A new study finds that the erectile-dysfunction drug Cialis can help other little-discussed male sexual problems, too. It turns out that while you're in separate tubs (how sexy is that?), a new study has found that found that men with erectile or prostate difficulties who took Cialis also had improvements in their problems with ejaculating and achieving orgasm, even when their erectile dysfunction was minor.
As men age, they can become affected by slower or non-existent ejaculation. Unfortunately, many insurance companies are no longer providing coverage or have limited coverage for erectile-dysfunction. Viagra can cost between $35.00 - $65.00 a pill. So what's a hot-blooded male to do?
First, stop into any Fantasy Gifts store. Our employees are trained to deal with any questions you might have. We've heard everything, so there's no way to embarrass or shock us. But we can help you with everything from problems with your prostate to an inability to take pharmaceuticals.
If you are looking for a magic pill, we suggest Stiff 4 Hours. Stiff 4 Hours is a culmination of several years of research, which resulted in the development of a product for men that improves their sexual experiences. The aim was to reduce the number of negative side effects that are often accompanied with prescription medicine male enhancers. As with any OTC drugs, please check with your physician before taking.
A penis pump is a cylinder that is fitted over the penis, with a manual or motorized pump to create a partial vacuum around the penis, engorging it as blood is drawn in. As vacuum increases, the pressure within the blood vessels of the penis increases as well; excessive vacuum causes vascular damage.
As men age, they can become affected by slower or non-existent ejaculation. Unfortunately, many insurance companies are no longer providing coverage or have limited coverage for erectile-dysfunction. Viagra can cost between $35.00 - $65.00 a pill. So what's a hot-blooded male to do?
First, stop into any Fantasy Gifts store. Our employees are trained to deal with any questions you might have. We've heard everything, so there's no way to embarrass or shock us. But we can help you with everything from problems with your prostate to an inability to take pharmaceuticals.

For a drug-free approach, the answer may be as simple as an erection enhancer. An erection enhancer constricts the blood flow to the penis resulting in a longer and stronger erection.

Penis pumps may be used to temporarily overcome symptoms of impotence, but do not cure the condition: a tourniquet-like ring must be applied to keep the blood trapped within the penis, otherwise the erection will immediately subside. Pumps may work even if there is nerve or vascular damage preventing a natural erection, but excessive or prolonged use (hours) will cause permanent harm.
Pumping must be done very carefully to avoid serious injury: over-enthusiastic pumping can burst blood vessels and form blisters.
Joseph Harryhill, a University of Pennsylvania urologist who treats many men with sexual problems, said the onslaught of drug-company advertising may have made men more comfortable talking about erectile dysfunction, but they still find it embarrassing to discuss ejaculation and orgasm. And while many men have no problem achieving an erection, they still find it difficult to climax. Women also may feel threatened by their man's inability to climax, wrongly feeling that it their fault and they are not attractive enough. Any man who cannot achieve climax in under 30 minutes should seek medical help. But know there are many resources at your disposal - don't be afraid to ask!
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